If you Google “Signs I’m Settling in my Relationship” you’ll be inundated with a sea of articles with titles like:
“12 Signs You’re Settling”
“67 Ways to Tell if You’re Settling in your Relationship”
“1493 Clues That You’re Settling For Someone”
These are all well and good, and they undoubtedly come from a place of genuinely trying to help, but they’re also distracting you from what is actually a very simple answer.
If you’re wondering whether you’re settling, then there is really only one sign you need to consider. The other 11 signs are just additional confirmation.
What’s the number one sign that you’re settling in your relationship?
That you think you’re settling in your relationship.
It’s as simple as that. The fact that you asked the question means that you almost certainly are settling. And you probably know you are. You turned to Google looking for a different answer, but if you feel it, the answer isn’t changing. #realtalk
You didn’t just Google that out of nowhere on a whim. There is a niggling doubt in the back of your mind that is telling you that, for whatever reason, you’re settling in your relationship. That doubt is whispering that this is not the relationship of your dreams. I know because I’ve been there.
The next question you have to ask yourself is: is that niggling doubt something that you can live with forever?
To settle is to tell the universe that you don’t think you’re worthy of getting everything that you want (and deserve).
You are worthy and you don’t have to settle.
- READ MORE: Single at 31? Here’s why it’s OK!
- READ MORE: Is 30 too old to take a gap year?
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